Sunday, November 9, 2014

Super sized life

Nothing I do can be small or bite sized. 

I don't do a lot of eating out, not because I am that healthy. It's because my body just doesn't accept most foods very graciously.   The idea of pulling up and ordering a super sized meal and gobbling it up I sounds good but it just isn't going to happen.  Right now, I am full.  Full to brim with love for my job, my family, my friends and my life in general.  It's as of every emotion I have has grown to be supersized.  This year it seems as if we have super sized everything- our love, our hope, our pain and our struggles. 

 We have beauty and hope. 
And some
Scary little critters.

So blessed.  

There is also the ongoing roller coaster ride that is life with Libby and her frenemies Parkinson's and Dystonia.  Libby is developing different symptoms and more of some old issues, like spasticity and less of others which is a conundrum.  She can't seem to do anything predictably.   At all.   
She decided Friday to skip the senior pep rally because the noise makes her head hurt.  Truly, I get that. It is just a milestone she missed, yet I respect her  decision.   Even if Libby were still healthy, the emotions would a be wild and crazy because she is a senior in high school. 

So, We have a senior ring, cap and gown sized and ordered.  Ten hours of community service completed. 
Halloween carnival, homecoming, Caprock's  Trunk or Treat, and so much more competed in this first twelve weeks of school.  I must say that she is so much more verbal and complains so much more that it is hard to tell when she is truly happy. Or, at least, content.  Super
Sized order of hope.

Mariah has stated another job which will lead her, hopefully, closer to her long term goals and a healthier lifestyle.  That's the struggle and amazing aspect of having a grown child.  The balance between nagging and pushing and then speaking my mind, while being kind, loving and supportive.  Again, super sized order of hope here. 

The gargantuan emotions also reflect in the sadness that I have had to simple face and somewhat embrace.   Everyone has some sadness that is out of their control- I think. 
This school year I have had to accept and realize that having my current position means that I do not have have many friends at work.  I have truly had to leave my ego in the car every morning and keep my focus on the students who need me.   Super size hurt and jabs at my self esteem and yet I know that I try to do what is best for my students all day, everyday.  I believe in the students and in the process of designing, planning and learning with them.   I will continue to believe that I have been placed where I should be and where the students need me. Too late to ask why and time to ask how best to do the job ahead of me.  I am having a great time and my learning curve is off the charts.  Super sized order of fear, planning, researching, trying, asking questions, trying, and planning some more.  

There is so much more, but as my emotions and stress levels bounce up and down I have to keep in mind that my God has this under control.

And, no, it's not just hormonal, and yes I do believe in "go big or go home". Amazingly gifted to have the chance to be overwhelmed! 
I know that in a few years I'll look back and be grateful for all of over sized emotions and stressors.    Now I believe I will be taking a nap with my senior princess. 

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