Thursday, June 30, 2016


We are on the GO!  This morning has been a beautiful chance to begin to process all that I have learned. At the ISTE Conference, in Denver, this week I had the opportunity to be exposed to the most current technologies available in education.  I went to sessions, talked to educators from around the world, and soaked in so much.  One of my favorite presenters shared a new to me term: plearn- play, learn, plan.   That's a great summary of much of what I've learned in our first month of travels.  

Traveling with Liberty means I have to adapt- a lot.   Adapt how I think, do things, react, plan, and believe.   Adapt the surroundings, when possible.  Adapt the situation, when possible. Adapt expectations, which is generally the hardest. If I don't adapt I have a "stink face" that I end up wearing for awhile. 


We were able to go to a Colorado Rockies baseball game Tuesday evening.  We caught a city bus and then walked the rest of the way to the venue.  All is great- right?  I love to walk and we have Libby's KAM. We had Mariah and even Grandma Linda, Jasmin, and Xavier with us.  All is great!  
Well, it rained for over an hour. It hailed.  It poured.  
And then it poured some more...

The 6:40 start time was delayed until 9:20.  I didn't adapt.   I kind of panicked.   Everyone wanted to at least see some of the game.   I wanted to as well, but I also didn't know how we would get everyone back to the hotel-safely- if we stayed.  keep in mind I've got a Liberty in an adult stroller, downtown Denver, and it's night. 

I checked the bus schedule and it showed the busses stopped at 10:00. Eek!  Called three cab companies, none of which had wheel chair accessible vans or SUV's. Double Eek.  It was hard for me to think at all because there was no plan and it was only getting darker by the moment Communication with my people broke down.  Finally, I just gave up.   I felt beaten in some ways, but determined to keep my little group safe.  (Sorry for the stink face.)

Just when I think I have overcome my worries something new, like this evening, happens. 
In the end, I learned that I have to continually remind myself that I have to adapt.  I spend so much time planning to overcome the many obstacles to ensure that Libby gets what she needs, that I can't let myself forget to adapt.  


We have left Denver and are going to enjoy a day, or two, of mini vacation in South Fork, Colorado.   We are trying out a cabin to see if we can keep Libby happy, safe, healthy, and comfortable.   If we can, then we will be planning some longer stays in the future.   

Liberty has the Baclofen Pump insertion surgery on July 6. More on that soon.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Please don't believe that I have any idea of the complete horror experienced in Orlando.  I have felt too much anger and fear today.  I am afraid for my beautiful friends who organize and celebrate Pride every year. At the end of the day, can anyone be murdered because of who they love, the color of their skin, their sex, their religion, their citizenship status, or their nationality?  Will anyone care how hard I try to be selfless, loving and supportive?  Doesn't seem like it will matter.

 Many years ago we had a couple of back to back "lock and secure" drills.  We hoped they were drills. This was before the seeming tidal movement of school shootings.  I knew to be afraid, but not how real it could be. 

After one lock down that lasted several hours, found out later it was a prank, I had to have a difficult conversation with my family.  My response was that as long as I am doing what I'm supposed to I will be okay: alive or not.  Come what may, I know I am supposed to be a teacher.  

In my life I have known violence.  I have had a knife pointed at me a time or two, been on the receiving end of abuse, and some other dark events.  I have had a dear friend beaten because of who he loved. No one needs to know this except for me to get the to my point of saying that I know, in a small way, what it is to be afraid and to find yourself, or someone you love, a victim.

I've learned many things, but the discussion with loved ones always comes back to a core belief: if I am doing what I'm supposed to then whatever happens is out of my hands.   "If I get shot in the city" then know that I loved deeply and did my God called me to do with my life.  I cannot live in a state of fearfulness; I am not weak. I believe there is always hope As long as there is hope, there is strength.  


Hate crimes, an ever growing culture where I am sad to say many blame the victims, and other killings by those we are mentally ill  could lead me to a place of fear.  Instead I will be a voice and be strong for those who cannot.   

Make  no doubt that I am aware of my surroundings and am not a true passifist.   I will protect what is mine, and have, if I need to.  I just live in a world full of love, hope and forgiveness.   Wish all could join me.