Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mothering in the line of fire

School is an emotional warzone.  The end of every school year is always a whirlwind of excitement, joy, and exhaustion.  This year has felt more like an endless boot camp.  As if I have been preparing my kids for an continual battle and my classroom is the frontline.  Every scantron is a weapon wielding levels of instruction and destruction. 

My classes full of juniors have tested their brains out and are still testing.  We have taken the PSAT, EOC 1 and 2 retest, semester test, benchmark every six weeks, SAT, EOC 1 and 2 retests again, TSI and now we are facing the second semester test.  These kids are my heroes.  They have given their all and more.  Some have shut down because they have not passed many of these tests.  Some have dropped out.  How do I/we keep putting these kids in front of the line of fire?  We try to prepare them, teach them, bolster their confidence, model hope and pray, yet it may not be enough. 

I am amazed by how tough these kids are and how willing so many of them have been to keep going into battle. I am grateful to have been placed in the class and grade level that I needed to be in.  I didn't know last summer that I would still be in the classroom, but I am glad that I have had this opportunity.  This group of kids had some lessons to teach me. I have learned tenacity and diligence.  I have also learned to keep looking out for what is coming and plan accordingly.   

Having Liberty in class has taught me a higher level of patience and a greater amount of planning than just about any student so far.  Although it has been trying, I know it will be an experience I'll always treasure.   

With lots of help and guidance, we have managed to have her take the SAT with accommodations and next will be the T.S.I..  She may not have to have these tests for her future, but I feel like it is important for both of us to have the experience.  Plus we get to see how Libby does under pressure get an idea of where she is cognitively.  I was so proud when several kids were called out of class for testing and Libby said, "do best".  It came out very clearly and it touched me to hear her cheering her peers on. 

The Class of 2015 has my heart and pray I that all their time in the war zone has not harmed them. 
We think that EOC scores will be in within the next few days. 
Then we plan our newest attack strategies and return to the frontlines.
Note: No administrators, counselors, teachers or others who have control are being  blamed here.  Simply sharing my observations as a mom and a teacher. 

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