Sunday, December 2, 2012

Teaching together

Rachael has seen me teach aerobics, swimming, religious classes, disaster preparation and English Language Arts.  She has been along to help with me with so many educational endeavors and I have always loved having her there to cheer me on and guide me. We have taught workshops for other teachers, but never kids. So much of our lives is spent brainstorming, discussing, whining, and preparing for our roles as teachers, but we have never actually co-taught a class of adolescents. I had never seen her in action with students and I must say it was a delight.  A quiet authority, laced with an amazing sense of humor, she definitely has a presence in the classroom.  When I asked her to help at Caprock's EOC Rally before the retest on Monday, I had no idea the impact seeing her in the classroom would make on me.  
Saturday morning teaching means kids and teachers are even more tired.  The upside is that the kids who were there are kids who really want to pass their test.  Rachael was introduced as a teacher from another district who was there to help.  The Caprock kids didn't even blink, they just went right on and were willing to learn!!  Just shows the adaptability of our kids. 
I share so much of my life with everyone that I thought I would share this reflection as well.  I have often said that Rachael is the analytical side of my brain and seeing her in action may make me change this thinking.  It was a gift to witness great teaching first hand and I am grateful we had that opportunity. 
Lisa Lindsey was also there in our session and she completed our group and made us an amazing trio!
Our students benefitted greatly from her expertise.
You can never really KNOW someone until you have been in the trenches with them and seen how they really are with the students.  I love being able to actually share teaching with people who I already admire.
Rachael, as a side note, I am certain that Terry Collins smiles down everyday from the great classroom in the sky as he watches you teach, Rachael.  You are an amazing legacy to your father, the teacher. 
Have your kids hug their teachers, this is a very hard time to be an educator.

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