Sunday, August 4, 2013

Libby proofing the house

So, we had made the decision to make some changes to the house to make life safer and easier for Libby.  This included having the bathroom redone. 
Say goodbye to the bathtub where I loved to soak and bathe the animals.  Also, the surround that was there was added by Rachael's dad, Terry and us girls. 

Enter the walk/roll in shower.  After another terrible shower with Libby several weeks ago, I left a year filled message to our caseworker for MDCP(Medically Dependent Children's Program).  Showers with Libby are the worst part of our day. For over a year, everyday has ended with tears and screaming- and Libby doesn't handle it so well either!  Now she has a more accessible shower area.    

Above Access guys Delano and Chad were here for four days and replaced the shower, the bathroom floor, and widened the bathroom door.  
They managed to get us on the schedule
and get the work done thoroughly and quickly. 

Before they arrived this week, we ripped the 
carpet out of both bedrooms.  This will
enable us to get Libby in and around easier.  It
also allows for better cleaning.  Libby hates 
it, but we've promised her a super cute rug. 
Yes, these are the original floors. They're cleaned, 
stained and polyurethaned. We were all a little high
for a few days, but I'm very happy to have the
 work done. I've also mostly finished her room. 

Parts from the prayer kneelers we recycled, 
sanded, painted, and added hooks. 
I painted her desk, made by Rachael's grandpa, 
the chest, found,sanded  and stained whole I was 
pregnant with Mariah and the toy cabinet we bought for 
girls.  We added new hardware and there ya go.
Now, we'll just be getting her used to the changes
Like any of our changes are small. 
"Archimedes" given to Libby by Cassie Foster, 
artist extraordinaire!   More exciting things 
coming from Cassie in the future! 
We took Aunt Judy out for a meal and to enjoy the 
First Friday Art Walk.  We had a fabulous time. 
It was nice to get to hang out and relax. 
Happy birthday Aunt JuJu!!

Blessings and hope


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