Saturday, January 22, 2022

In God’s Time and Libby’s Stubborness

Going through this hospice process with Liberty is beautiful and yet terribly hard. It’s a lovely chance to cover her in love, and yet, it’s hard. Watching her body decline is terribly sad.   But I prayed Libby into this world, and I will continue praying her out of it.  

We met with our clergy last weekend got  her Celebration of Life and Home going planned.  So grateful to have that mostly done. 

We wanted to be in school long enough to get our students back into the groove of the day to day schedule.  I found myself anxious to get to school and anxious to hurry and get home. While at school I cherished the time with my students and yet, wanted lots of updates on Libby.  My heart was stretched to want to be with both.  

Here’s one of Libby’s favorite songs to lighten this update:

This week several things fell into place: teacher volunteers to cover recycling, Care Closet and Snack Shak for our campus and the right people to cover my classes.   (Cannot tell you how much I’ve worried about making sure the people who need the food get it while I’m out.  It’s going to be okay.)

Every day for the last two weeks she has changed in some small manner.  As of Wednesday, the 19th, Libby is refusing food.  She is also declining almost all liquids.  Thursday she would not even take her crushed pills for me.  (I was a bit dumbfounded.  She refused anything from me!  The nerve…) 

For the last three days, she is no longer taking  her meds five times a day. She is getting her seizure med and a small
Relaxant.   That’s all. My days are completely off.  That five time a day schedule has been engrained in me for over 13 years. I’ll need to get retrained. 

I believe she has had her final shower as I’ll move to giving her bed baths.   So many of the  Caregiving activities, like showering and shaving, are more to make me feel comforted and needed, not because it’s vital for Libby. I can let some of that go. 

I know this is part is all part of the Hospice process. It is not about our typed out timeline or our expectations.  It’s really between God and Libby. I can envision the back and forth arbitration  happening. Libby saying, “I’m not ready” and God replying, “you can have a wolf at your side every day…”. Or “I’m ready” and God responds, “not yet. It isn’t time.” Either way, I know there’s some push and pull going on.   I mean- it’s Liberty. 

Liberty is the epitome of STUBBORN which I say with a smile. It’s partly her stubbornness that has kept her here with us for so long.  Now she is in negotiations and whoever “wins” won’t really matter.  We will love her out as fiercely as we have fought for her. 

Starting Monday we are home with Libby.  I have very few days to take, but  I’m not going to concentrate on that aspect.  Right now I am right  where I need to be. Being with her is vitally important right now. 

Thank you all for your ongoing love and support. 


  1. Prayers for peaceful passing. Love is eternal. You are both the bravest woman on earth right now.

  2. Lovely writing. Please do immerse yourself in This time. Lots of love and prayers.

  3. Oh sister, I don't even know what to say. Only that I am sending prayers for strength and courage.

  4. Love you all three. My heart aches for you all as it has for some time. Praying for peace for your family.

  5. Libby has such a beautiful soul that will be deeply missed. I pray you have all the strength needed to endure this.

  6. He will comfort the three of you. He will comfort your family. He will comfort us (your feiends.) All of our tears are for many reasons. You have many sending love, respect, prayers, comfort, peace. I believe there is a level of joy in peace. You all are loved deeply.

  7. I wish I had words of wisdom. Please know you are all in my prayers.

  8. Your writings are both gut-wrenching and beautiful at the same time. I only wish I could be as brave. Know that your family is being prayed for by so many.
    May God give you all strength,
    Much love,
    Kay Whitmire

  9. As I tear up reading your story and thinking of the time I met you and your girls. It's obvious you guys have heart and this is where Libby gets it from. Know that my heart sends prayers for you guys often.

  10. I pray for you and sweet Libby. I know that you have been brave throughout this hardest time of your life. Just remember you can't change yesterday, nor control tomorrow, we can only live in the moments we are in. Love to you and Libbey! May God give you strength through this ����

  11. Your words are so beautiful in describing your journey with your beautiful daughter. Prayers for these last days. May God be with you, your family, and with Libby. May you feel God's lovelight shine down upon all of you as you give Libby the love that will last for all eternity. Love you

  12. I wish for you all continued love, and peace. Thank you for sharing Liberty with us.
