Saturday, January 11, 2014


Just over 17 years ago I made a choice to have a second child. I had had such difficulty with Mariah that the doctors believed that I would not conceive much less carry another child.  Liberty was a big surprise. 

After I found out I was pregnant and learned this would be a solo job I left my good State job, my friends and family and moved away. I wrote letters to my mom, both grandmothers and my aunts telling them that I was having another child. I also apologized if my single parenthood added any shame or disrespect to their lives.  I wanted all to know that even though life was going to be very difficult, I did have a plan to kick the worlds' butt.  This plan involved finishing college, among other things.  

I had several offers from family and a friend to adopt Libby before and after she was born.  I wanted her so badly and desperately wanted to see who she would become. 
Libby changed my life and continues to wreck and bless  my world and many others. 

I will no longer wonder what she would be like if she had not become ill that only brings guilt and sadness. Instead, I am focussing on the kid she is.  She is 17 and every day matters to us. 
She took us for a walk to the post office this afternoon and was pretty darn cute!  (We had to promise her a long nap to get her out of the house...). 
 Without her feeding tube she is a happy girl at meal time!  She's really doing well and has only had a few instances of rough swallows with water. Getting enough water in her remains difficult.  We will not be getting Botox in the sternocleidomastoids in the future.  Thank you, but no. 

17 years ago I stepped on to a road and I had no idea where it would lead us- I still don't know. I just know that I'm glad that both my daughters chose me to take their adventure with them. 


  1. You've been a wonderful niece (I received one of those letters), as well as a wonderful mother. What a great job you have done. I love you and stand behind you. Aunt Darlene
