Saturday, July 30, 2016


      Once you notice them, you'll see them all over.   They glitter and shine in the sun, flapping their time worn ends in the breeze.  Some phone poles boasting layers of school colors denoting who was playing against whom and then which teams were going to playoffs.  These ribbons hang on long after the pre-season workouts, pre-game planning, game playing, crowd cheering, and parents booing have gone. Showing us the recent history of our school lives in a long embedded color code of belief.   These colors, whatever they are for your school, are a banner of unity.   They are reminders of hope. 
      There is enough negativity in the world right now and I think we all need some spirit ribbons to remind us we are all one.    Because my beautiful people, we are all one.    Regardless of who you pray to, live your life with, vote for, and whether or not you Pokemon Go- we are all one people.  
       On our walks and jogs around Happy, I've been hanging up random ribbons on poles, posts, and fences.   With each ribbon I pray for safety and joy for those who pass that way. That's it; that simple.     

         Please join me and let's remind ourselves of hope. Hang a ribbon up randomly and add a little prayer to whatever God answers you.   
I've got yards of ribbon if you'd like some.